I love marriage and I would suggest it as a great alternative to TV and premarital sex. Being married is so much fun--where else can you make fun of someone and know that they will return the favor with no hard feelings?
The other day, Bryan and I were driving to a funeral he was doing in the Jemez. He drove one of the family's members while I followed him in
our car. The scenery was amazing. At one point I drove through two tunnels, wishing I could snap some pictures. After the funeral, Bryan drove us back out and we came up to the first tunnel. I took a picture through the bug spattered window and said, "That is a bad picture," to which Bryan replied, "Don't worry there is another one."
Now, I don't know if he had forgotten I was driving and thought I was asleep but that was a pretty funny statement and couldn't resist a little sarcasm. I said that I hadn't noticed the other tunnel and could he please point it out to me. He was astounded that I could drive through a tunnel and not notice. At that point I realized that, after twenty years of marriage, he still didn't know me very well. It is so fun to be utterly sarcastic and have him fall for it almost every time.